
Hush, Somebody's Callin' My Name - YouTube

Hush, Somebody's Callin' My Name - YouTube:



Video: US election 2012: Stephen Colbert urges South Carolina voters to support Herman Cain - Telegraph

Video: US election 2012: Stephen Colbert urges South Carolina voters to support Herman Cain - Telegraph:

US election 2012: Stephen Colbert urges South Carolina voters to support Herman Cain

On the eve of the South Carolina Republican primary, comedian Stephen Colbert urges voters
to support former candidate Herman Cain in the latest stage of his mock presidential campaign.



Hush, Somebody's Calling My Name • Memorial Jam Session and Second Line - YouTube

Hush, Somebody's Calling My Name • Memorial Jam Session and Second Line - YouTube:



Unequal Rites -- In These Times

Unequal Rites -- In These Times:

So to be clear, this is a situation where the federal government dictates who may or may not belong to a particular religion based on race.

And not race alone: Race (Native American blood) and political affiliation (federally recognized tribe) are the two criteria.
It strains credulity to believe that Americans would accept this arrangement if it were applied to mainstream religion.
Take a moment to imagine the blood of Christ being limited only to Italians and those church members able to prove
a blood quantum of Italian heritage in order to partake of the sacrament
–with the U.S. government standing at the ready should anyone step out of line.



Jason Off The Clock

Urinals - Palazzo Versace
Image by avlxyz via Flickr
Jason Off The Clock:

From a guy that appreciates his space, please take the lessons of The Urinal Game to heart.
The effectiveness of the lesson goes beyond the men’s room and rewards everyone with just a little more breathing room.

{whatever else you may or may not do,
flush and wash. please.}
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Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™: Darwin Award In Naval Aviation

Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™: Darwin Award In Naval Aviation:

"Darwin Award In Naval Aviation
Posted by M. Bouffant at 14:35"

. true story, funny as all hell. :-)

Ricky Gervais on being an Atheist

HappyNewYearImage by Funky64 (www.lucarossato.com) via Flickr

Ricky Gervais on being an Atheist