
The Voice IT | Serie 2 | Blind 2 | Suor Cristina Scuccia - #TEAMJ-AX - YouTube

The Voice IT | Serie 2 | Blind 2 | Suor Cristina Scuccia - #TEAMJ-AX - YouTube: ""

Film Scholar Rjinder Dudrah On 'Noah' And The Perils Of : NPR

Film Scholar Rjinder Dudrah On 'Noah' And The Perils Of : NPR:

 "Russell Crowe, the lead in Darren Aronofsky's forthcoming biblical epic Noah, may have received a quick blessing from Pope Francis at a recent public audience, but the movie is drawing criticism in some quarters."


Eisner Awards Current Info | Comic-Con International: San Diego

Eisner Awards Current Info | Comic-Con International: San Diego:

 "Comic-Con International, the largest comic book and popular arts event of its kind in the world, has announced that the Eisner Awards judges have selected three individuals to automatically be inducted into the Will Eisner Comic Awards Hall of Fame for 2014. These inductees are Golden Age artists Irwin Hasen (The Flash, Wildcat, Green Lantern for DC; Dondi syndicated strip), Sheldon Moldoff (Batman artist), and African American comics pioneer Orrin C. Evans (All-Negro Comics). In the past, the judges have chosen two automatic inductees, both deceased. This year’s judges decided to add one more inductee, a deserving still-living comics creator."