

via Jimbo M.

  something for everyone...  
     Research  confirms that drinking gives you the same  benefits yoga does !!! Savasana  Position  of total relaxation.     

Position  that brings the sensation of peace and  calm.  

Setu  Bandha Sarvangasana 
This  position calms the brain and heals tired legs.  

Position  stimulates the midriff area and the spinal  column.   

Excellent  for back pain and insomnia.    

Excellent  for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and  arms.  

Great  exercise to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and  arms. 

Ananda  Balasana 
This  position is great for massaging the hip area.  

This  position, for ankles and back muscles.   
Pigeon  Tones  the body, and builds flexibility and helps get  rid of 'stress'. So in  the interest of healthy relaxation ...   let's start drinking !!  ..............    
Life  really boils down
To 2  questions...

1.  Should I get a dog.....?

2.  Should I have children?

Just  to let you know
I'm thinking of you today.  
No   matter what situations life throws at   you....

No  matter how long and  treacherous your journey may seem..

Remember  there is a light at the  end of the tunnel. 

You're  laughing aren't  you?    
That's  good 'cause my job here is  done!

Have a great day
  and  remember to give thanks....  

Cats are  so dramatic! 


Scared Eggs

If Homer Simpson were Real

Republicans Introduce Legislation Redefining Pi as Exactly 3

Republicans Introduce Legislation Redefining Pi as Exactly 3
“It’s no panacea, but this legislation will point us in the right direction. Looking at hard data, we know our children are struggling with a heck of a lot of the math, including the geometry incorporating pi,” Roby said. “I guarantee you American scores will go up once pi is 3. It will be so much easier.”
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The higher you go

basketball requestImage by ratterrell via Flickr
via Michele M.

{Oh this is good!}


1. The sport of choice for the urban poor is BASKETBALL.

2. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is BOWLING.

3. The sport of choice for front-line workers is FOOTBALL.

4. The sport of choice for supervisors is BASEBALL.

5. The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS.


6. The sport of choice for corporate executives and officers is GOLF


The higher you go in the corporate structure,
  the smaller your balls become.

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Life with Kaishon

Life with Kaishon

Two sisters, one blonde and one brunette, . . .


FAMILY GUY - It's Jesus Christ!

Even if you weren't in the service you can appreciate this one.

The Thule Air Base, established after World Wa...Image via Wikipedia
Via Tom G.

A US Air Force C-130 was scheduled to leave Thule Air Base, Greenland , at midnight during a winter month.  During the pilot's preflight check, he  discovers that the latrine holding tank is still full from the last flight.  So a message is sent to the base and an airman who was off duty is called out to take care of it.

The young man finally gets to the air base and makes his way to the aircraft, only to find that the latrine pump-truck has been left outdoors and is frozen solid, so he must find another one in the hangar, which takes even more time.  He returns to the aircraft and is less than enthusiastic about what he has to do.  Nevertheless, he goes about the pumping job deliberately and carefully (and slowly) so as not to risk criticism later.

As he's leaving the plane, the pilot stops him and says, "Son, your attitude and performance has caused this flight to be late and I'm going to personally see to it that you are not just reprimanded but punished."

Shivering in the cold, his task finished, he takes a deep breath, stands tall and says,
"Sir, with all due respect, I'm not your son; I'm an Airman in the United States Air Force.  I've been in Thule , Greenland , for 11 months without any leave, and reindeer asses are beginning to look pretty good to me.  I have but one stripe, it's 2:30 in the morning, the temperature is 40 degrees below zero, and my job here is to pump shit out of an aircraft.
Now, just exactly  .....  what form of  punishment did you have in mind?" 


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Slow Jam The News: Wisconsin Protests (3/2/11)

Brian Williams, Jimmy and The Roots slow jam the political stalemate in Wisconsin